Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2/22/12 Getting Ready to Go!

Greetings!   This is my first ever blog! There is hope for us "baby boomers".  Not planning to "tweet" though- I'm just taking this one step at a time and starting with Blogging!

 Doing all the final packing and prep to go on an IBM Corporate Service Corp assignment ( Adventure!)  to Cambodia.  It's exciting and scarey all at the same time! So much to finish up-  I'd like one of those "time turners" that Hermione had in the 3rd Harry Potter movie....

Today is Ash Wednesday in the Christian calendar and I went to services at church.  I dawned on me that I will be spending most of Lent and Easter week in Cambodia- A totally new experience for me.  I'll try to post every couple days, and I promise not to post every little thing I do and eat... unless it is fun stuff like eating fried spiders!
#ibmcsc cambodia